Join the Committee

If you are passionate about the teaching and learning of Legal Studies then you should consider joining the LSA Committee. If you feel daunted, be brave – we promise you are welcome! New voices bring freshness to the work that we do. You will have the opportunity to meet and work with professionals from all school systems, share and test ideas, and enrich your own practice. 

To be eligible, you need to have been teaching Legal Studies for two years and be prepared to:

  • Attend our AGM in February, our annual Planning Day (one Saturday in Term 3) and a Committee meeting 1- 2 times a term
  • Assist on at least one day of the annual Conference
  • Prepare and present a session at the Conference (alone or with another Committee member) at least once every two years
  • Develop at least one resource to be published in Legal Briefs every year
  • Attend and assist at some of our professional development events (evenings, Saturdays and online)
  • Present at or assist in the running of the annual Student Lectures